Social media.
I don’t know about you, but I have a love-hate relationship with it.
On one hand, it gives you endless opportunities to grow your podcast.
On the other, it can be SO difficult to compete for attention, and so easy to get lost among the MILLIONS of other users.
So, how do you seize the opportunities for growth, without getting lost in the shuffle?
This is the question podcaster Anna Dearmon Kornick had in the summer of 2020.

Her time management podcast, It’s About Time, was hovering around 1,300 downloads per month after releasing 30 episodes.
Her audience numbers were slowly creeping up, and she had no idea how to monetize.
As a time-management expert, she had developed fantastic systems.
However, Anna hadn’t yet been able to affordably outsource or delegate the admin and production work of her show.
She needed to grow her audience faster, and monetize her show in order to build the business she KNEW could be a huge success.
At a Glance: Anna’s Path to Podcasting Success
Podcast Title: It’s About Time
Host Name: Anna Dearmon Kornick
Niche: Productivity
Background: Anna Dearmon Kornick is a Time Management Coach living outside of New Orleans, Louisiana. Her mission is to equip busy people with the ideas, encouragement, and tools to live and work with confidence, clarity, and intention.
The Game Changers: There were two main game-changers that helped Anna to grow her show.
- Grow The Show’s editing services
- Grow The Show’s signature framework, Targeted Daily Engagement (also known as TDE)
Results: Within one year, Anna went from 1,300 downloads per month to 20,000+ downloads per month. She now makes six figures per year from influencer opportunities she’s received through her podcast!

These problems were solved the minute Anna joined the Grow The Show Podcast Accelerator.
Immediately after joining, Anna was able to start utilizing the included editing services**.
That freed up a ton of time for her to focus on Targeted Daily Engagement.
TDE is Grow The Show’s signature social media growth framework. It teaches podcasters how to grow their shows by spending just 30 minutes a day on social media.
After doing TDE for just one month, Anna’s downloads increased a whopping 60%.
On top of that, she smashed her 2021 Instagram follower goal, and she’s been invited to guest on dozens of other podcasts— including Grow The Show!

After about two years of consistently implementing Grow The Show’s teachings, Anna has grown her monthly download count by 20x— from 1,300 downloads per month to 20,000+ downloads per month.

She has also landed several influencer opportunities in her niche and is now making more than six figures per year from those deals alone.
And, that isn’t even the best part!
Most recently, Anna landed a book deal through TDE. She’s completed the manuscript, which is based on her podcast, and has turned it in for publication!

Want to upgrade your show from a podcast to a thriving, profitable podcast business?
Want to experience the same kind of massive show growth as Anna?
Kickstart your path to podcast growth and monetization by following these two steps:
- Apply to the Grow The Show Podcast Accelerator today! Once you apply, you’ll be connected with a GTS podcast expert who will help determine the best path for you and your podcast.
- After you send in your application, check out these FREE resources! They’re excellent summaries of the accelerator lessons that Anna used to grow her audience, and will help you build a great foundation of knowledge:
- How to Turn Total Strangers Into Monetized Podcast Listeners
- Targeted Daily Engagement: How to Use Social Media to Double Your Podcast Audience
- How to Know if Your Targeted Daily Engagement is Working
** In the years since Anna has joined, we have upgraded this service to help save you even more time. Now, you get placed with your very own FULLY TRAINED producer who will take care of all of the grunt work that clogs up your schedule.