How to Build a Community Around Your Podcast, with Yuval Yarden

How to Build a Community Around Your Podcast, with Yuval Yarden

Do you know which episode of your podcast is your listeners favorite episode?

If not, then how might you find out?

If your first thought was to check your download numbers, you wouldn’t be alone. I can say from experience, however, that download numbers actually have no correlation to how much listeners love the episode. 

They actually indicate which episode seemed most compelling before the listener pressed play.

So, which episode is your listeners’ favorite?

Do you know what they like about the show?

What things they’d like to hear next?

Why do they listen to your podcast… at all?

If you’re like most podcasters, you’re not sure what the answers are to those questions.

In fact, in my experience, most podcasts have virtually no interaction with their listener base. and the only feedback you get is the number of downloads you receive on the episode. Can you relate?

I can. My first podcast, Philly Who?, launched 3 years ago, and it has been successful! It’s accrued over 200,000 downloads, and over $200k in revenue.

But, at first, I also had no interaction with my listener base.

My second podcast, Grow The Show, launched 6 months ago, and has accrued just over 10,000 downloads, and has driven over $165k in revenue for my coaching business since it launched.

And, while the show is young, and the revenue numbers are good, I can tell you with certainty that this second time around, the podcast is WAY more fun to make because of the Grow The Show community.

Philly Who? is a beloved brand in my home city of Philadelphia. But, I didn’t realize the importance of building that place for the Philly Who? community to gather, so for a long time I really felt no connection to my audience at all.

But with Grow The Show, we already have an incredible community in the Facebook Group, that is nearing 700 growth-minded podcasters.

It’s through that community that I can understand what’s working, what’s not working, and what my audience wants from this podcast.

I’m able to ask questions, get feedback, and I get to see firsthand the success that this show is helping other podcasters to achieve. 

How to Build a Community hub and spoke model.

It is an incredible feeling, and it’s the whole reason I launched this platform to begin with.

So, do you have a place where you can go to interact with your biggest fans?

If not, that’s okay. Because, you can create that place, it’s not too late! 

Today, we’re going to be joined by a mentor of mine, Yuval Yarden.

Yuval is a seasoned community builder, who has traveled the entire world building communities for companies, organizations, and around her own interests.

Today, Yuval is going to share her tried and true formula for building a growing, thriving, organic community, and she’s going to teach you exactly how you can build and grow a vibrant community around your podcast

So, tune in to this week’s episode and turn your audience into a community!

Kevin Chemidlin is a podcaster, producer, and coach. He's the founder of Grow The Show, and the founder of Cue9 Creative.