How to Use Facebook Ads to Grow Your Podcast, with Marie Nicola

How to Use Facebook Ads to Grow Your Podcast, with Marie Nicola

Are you using Facebook ads to grow your podcast? Should you be using Facebook ads to grow your podcast?

Here at Grow The Show, we get this question all the time. Many new podcasters try Facebook ads only to find that, after a few months, the only thing that’s increased is their credit card bill. 

Today, we’re learning how Facebook ads actually work and how you can start to use them to grow your audience and grow your podcast business. To do that, we’re going to be joined by Marie Nicola, a member of the Grow The Show community. Marie is a career online marketer and podcaster, who has achieved massive viral reach for her marketing clients, and who is about to help you do the same. 

So if you’re looking to add Facebook ads to your toolbox of audience growth levers, join us for this week’s episode of Grow The Show.

Resources Mentioned:

Download Marie’s “How to Use Facebook Paid” guide below!

Can’t see the worksheet? Click here.

Kevin Chemidlin is a podcaster, producer, and coach. He's the founder of Grow The Show, and the founder of Cue9 Creative.