The Only Way to Monetize Your Podcast, With Dave Jackson

The Only Way to Monetize Your Podcast, With Dave Jackson

Today on GTS we are going to make a bold claim: There is only one way to successfully monetize your show. 

That’s it. Just one.

It probably sounds crazy. We have all of these monetization channels, all for there to only be one way to profit from your podcast?

Don’t just take it from me, however. 

Take it from hall-of-fame podcaster Dave Jackson. Dave is the founder of The School of Podcasting, he has been in the industry for over a decade, and this week, he joined me on Grow The Show to talk all about monetization. 

He explained that there really is just one way to profit from your podcast.

After listening to the episode you’ll know exactly what that is, and how you can start doing it TODAY. 

Resources Mentioned:

Dave’s Book, Profit From Your Podcast

School of Podcasting Podcast

Kevin Chemidlin is a podcaster, producer, and coach. He's the founder of Grow The Show, and the founder of Cue9 Creative.