How to Master Time Management for Your Podcast, with Anna Dearmon Kornick

How to Master Time Management for Your Podcast, with Anna Dearmon Kornick


It is our most valuable non-renewable resource.

You can always find a way to make more money, but, no matter what you do, you can’t make more time.

As podcasters we have to do a lot of things. 

We have to grow our shows, come up with episode topics, book guests, conduct research and interviews, edit our shows, promote our work, do Targeted Daily Engagement, and many many other things. 

Not to mention that a lot of us have full time jobs, and businesses, and personal lives to juggle on top of our podcasts. 

And this was actually one of the biggest lessons I learned when I was first cutting my teeth on my first podcast, Philly Who?

Before I took that show past six figures in downloads and revenue, I left my full-time job to devote all of my time to my fledgling podcast. 

I figured that, if I could just work on my show full-time, with my full energy, the show would definitely grow, and I would be making money in no time!

It turns out,there were two tragic flaws in that thinking:

Number one, growing your podcast audience isn’t a function of how much time you spend. it’s a function of how you spend that time.

And number two, I learned that, without proper time management, you are going to hate your podcast.

That was me in the fall of 2018. My show wasn’t growing, my savings were shrinking, and I was spending 60 hours a week on my podcast. And making zero dollars.

If only back thenback then I had known this week’s Grow The Show guest!

Today, we’re joined by the host of It’s About Time: a podcast about work, life, and balance. 

Her name is Anna Dearmon Kornick, and she’s going to teach you how to manage your time as a podcaster, so you can actually enjoy growing your show into a thriving podcast business. 

Over the past two years she was able to start and grow her coaching business and start and grow a successful podcast, while also starting and growing a family.

She will share with you how she’s grown her podcast on average 30% in each of the 8 months, while also growing a coaching business, raising a two year old, moving to a completely different city, and preparing to welcome her second child into the world!

For Anna, growth, happiness, and success are all about time.

Kevin Chemidlin is a podcaster, producer, and coach. He's the founder of Grow The Show, and the founder of Cue9 Creative.