How to Create a Better Podcast in a Fraction of the Time, with Alex Sanfilippo

How to Create a Better Podcast in a Fraction of the Time, with Alex Sanfilippo

Podcast death.

It’s scary-sounding, and it happens a lot.

Podcast death— sometimes also called podfade— is when podcasts that USED to release consistently, simply stop.

They die.

There are a bunch of reasons this might happen, but one of the most common reasons is also the most tragic.

Podcasters who have been at the grind for a long time tend to get exhausted spending so much time and energy on all of the podcast gruntwork like scheduling and publishing tasks.

Podcast gruntwork is a silent killer, one that you don’t even realize is killing your show until it’s too late.

Here’s how:

Last month, we surveyed about 50 Grow The Show podcasters about their production process.

On average, they spent more time doing podcast gruntwork than they did on show production, AND audience growth COMBINED.

Can you imagine how much faster your podcast would grow and monetize if you could devote even just a few more hours each week solely on growing your audience?

What would it take to be able to free up that time?

THAT is what we are going to talk about on this episode of Grow The Show.

And, we have an expert guest to help us breathe more life into our podcasting process.

His name is Alex Sanfilippo.

He’s the founder of and PodMatch. He’s also the host of his own podcast, called Podcasting Made Simple.

Alex is here to get you off the silent road to podcast death.

He’ll teach you exactly why it is so crucial to have a great and efficient system for getting the podcast gruntwork done.

By the end of this episode, you’ll know the systems you need to implement RIGHT NOW, and you’ll learn how to conserve your energy to make the podcasting process as pain-free as possible.